It's Thursday night and our first three day week of the semester. Thinking back to about a month ago if someone told us we had 3 days of school we'd be jumping for joy and planning the soonest trip to Puertas margs. It's kind of funny how much has changed in our short time here so far. No, waking up early isn't fun (at all...even a little) but going to school everyday and thriving off these kids energy has been such an awesome experience. Obviously we're in a little honeymoon stage and we realize that but actually teaching classes and being 100% immersed into the school environment is so much better than the hour here and there we get through college. It's sad when you get to the end of 3.5 years and question your whole college career and major choice, so being this sad about not seeing our kids for a full week is pretty exciting stuff (yeah we're old...). 

For all our friends at home, we have been spending our evenings singing "a is for apple, a, a, apple" and looking up Storybots videos on youtube for our projects. Alex just checked out like 15 books for Presidents' day and I now have a tendency to sign while talking. Our teachers have definitely rubbed off on us though. They are both hilarious and sassy (aka older versions of us) which is totally fine. We even got invited to the poppin elementary teacher party tomorrow night. We're assuming it will be a little different than Dill (we are bringing appetizers..woah? Did I mention we're old?) but nonetheless we've been talking about this thing all week. So I think it's safe to say, we're officially teachers...
Amy Looker
1/26/2014 10:09:56 pm

Glad you guys are having such a good semester -- I'm enjoying your stories.


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    Just a couple of college girls headed to live in Germany for 4 months while student teaching.

    Feel free to check us out on Twitter and Instagram:
    Kelby: @kelbsa 
    Alex: @_zaigs 


    January 2014
    December 2013



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