For those of you who haven't heard anything about our semester...we are more than thankful that we managed to pass everything. After many all nighters and attempted all nighters (because we're old and no longer excited freshman) we made it to the end of our classes on Ball State's campus forever. To that, we say HOLLA! While our excitement levels were very high yesterday morning (2pm because that's when we both woke up), they were quickly lowered when we realized the daunting task of packing for four months had to be started. As you can see in the picture...we have a LOT of work to do.

There is some organized chaos going on here because of Alex's addiction to Pinterest and her hate of my terrible packing skills. Apparently everything is going to be done in "pods", which means that we can only take certain colors and clothing items that can be switched around. This is actually pretty smart seeing as we get one checked suitcase, a carry on and a backpack...for FOUR months. (Yes, I will continue saying that to let it sink in).

After talking to our classroom teachers, Alex will be allowed to wear jeans while I'm still stuck in good 'ol teachers clothes. The good news is, the schools there are ten times more laid back than they are here so some high waisted pants and a sweater are totally acceptable (not to mention our nose rings!). One thing we will be packing that we (I) didn't utilize in the last 3.5 years of college is our workout clothes! Yes...we will let that one sink in for all of our friends (Dad) reading this. Apparently there are full on teacher workout classes with trips to the pool/jacuzzi out back afterwards! Basically, we have to participate in the activities our teachers do because we will most likely be hitching rides with them to the school. So...workout clothes it is. 

All of you out there who know about our shoe hoarding and packing problems (mainly me, fine) feel free to send ideas or encouragement as we attempt to conquer this task. 

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    Just a couple of college girls headed to live in Germany for 4 months while student teaching.

    Feel free to check us out on Twitter and Instagram:
    Kelby: @kelbsa 
    Alex: @_zaigs 


    January 2014
    December 2013



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