We are officially headed into our final week of school. While we frantically try to figure out when our special ed final is (really if anyone knows...hit us up), we let it sink in that it will be a week of lasts for us. To this day, we have yet to hear anyone say "Leaving college is the best! You're going to love it!" So, you can see how we could be slightly sad knowing it's our last all nighter in the bhood with our friends and our last time dreading Monday on campus because the alternative to all that is the real world. The big, scary, dreaded, real world...where staying up late is 10:30 because of that 6am alarm and it's exciting to try a new low calorie recipe because you care about your cholesterol (or whatever). WOW...the excitement and anticipation is KILLING us. This means we are not looking at finals week with the impending doom that most people do. Instead, it will be a refreshing reminder that we are still at the point of avoiding those $80,000 in loan debt. 

So our top 5 list of things to look forward to this week (including but not limited to):

1. Bhood all nighter (as mentioned above)
2. Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (Tuesday at 10pm on CBS...you're welcome)
3. Work...because who doesn't like to get paid to study for finals (*cough* write blog posts *cough*)
4. Eating campus food (if you don't like Woodworth mac n cheese you are WACK) 
5. Going to the Germany presentation done by this semesters student teachers!! (Wednesday at 10 in TC 1008 if anyone else is interested)

Clearly we plan on taking full advantage of our last week as stressed out college kids in Muncie because we know looking back it's these times we are going to wish we had back. 

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    Just a couple of college girls headed to live in Germany for 4 months while student teaching.

    Feel free to check us out on Twitter and Instagram:
    Kelby: @kelbsa 
    Alex: @_zaigs 


    January 2014
    December 2013



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