It's crazy to say it, but we will be on a plane in exactly 2 weeks anxiously awaiting our arrival in Frankfurt. Alex will probably be passed out, waking up all the neighbors with her snoring and I'll probably be up counting down the seconds until we land.

The information we've gotten in the last few days about our trip has been pretty overwhelming. For example, we were told that it's rude to be loud in public places like restaurants...seriously? Anyone who has been anywhere with Alex will know that this alone could be the biggest issue we have in our four months there. As for myself, I'm more worried about the fact that apparently food standards are higher there so I won't be getting access to a $1 McDouble.

As the two week mark smacks us in the face we've realized we're getting sick of each other and packing is going to be a disaster. Hopefully (because we have to) we'll get over this soon so we don't strangle each other before we get through security. Happy countdown to us eh?

Ashley Dye
12/27/2013 10:31:38 am

d: Don't worry, McDonald's is alive and well in Europe. They even sell beer.


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    Just a couple of college girls headed to live in Germany for 4 months while student teaching.

    Feel free to check us out on Twitter and Instagram:
    Kelby: @kelbsa 
    Alex: @_zaigs 


    January 2014
    December 2013



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