While joining in on procrastinating final projects and going to Dill in honor of the final weekend in Muncie, it just hit us yesterday (in the middle of our student teaching orientation meeting) that we will be headed across the globe in T-22 days. So in honor of finals week coming up we'd like to introduce our blog! We've decided to have a two part blog actually...one for the family and friends who read and one for everyone else (our friends at school) who are too lazy to read and would rather laugh at our GoPro shenanigans. 

We aren't 100% sure how we're going to set up our posts since this is a whole new world for us technologically challenged friends. Keeping that in mind, we figure the basics should come first. You know...who are you? Where are you living? Why are you going? To help out the family or friends who may not know one of us, here's a quick review.

Directly above, you will see a lovely picture of us riding a bus to King's Island. As you see we are already world travelers. We are seniors at Ball State University studying elementary and special education. (Yes, we have two majors...only because we are overachievers of course). Some of our hobbies include eating and watching Criminal Minds or NCIS while in our fuzzy pajamas. We both recently finished in our roles as VP of Risk Management and VP of Recruitment for the Delta Rho chapter of Alpha Phi. Actually, we met the first day we joined the sorority and really haven't been far apart since. (Literally we live 4 minutes away from each other in Carmel). Basically, we're just two normal girls that bonded over McDonald's diet coke and never looked back. 

As to where we will be, please refer to the map below. Honestly, that's pretty awesome that we can literally give you a google map to click on...maybe that's the whole technology challenged thing coming out but regardless, COOL! That is pointing to Ramstein-Miesenbach, which is where the Ramstein Air Force Base is located. Yes, we will be student teaching on an American AFB, so for all of you worried about us not knowing German...well you still should be because we aren't living on the base. Alex will be in first grade and Kelby will be in kindergarten at Ramstein Elementary School. Plans are still up in the air right now for living arrangements but we should be in a house with approximately eight other student teachers from Ball State. From what we are told, it is a three story house about ten minutes from the base. From what we are also told, they don't plow the streets so our love of winter will only be exemplified I am sure. Have no fear, we have both invested in fur lined boots and fur hooded coats. (Fake fur...don't worry we only eat the animals, we don't wear them). 

That's probably plenty for our first post...and we have class to get to. So, over and out internet. Get ready for some interesting reads!!

Zach Groth
12/7/2013 02:07:51 am

This is awesome! You're a good writer. I was thoroughly entertained reading this (maybe cause I know you). I can't wait to read more!

Courtney Gray
12/7/2013 05:22:28 am

I cannot wait to hear about all of your shenanigans. I'm already excited to see what crazy adventures you will experience. Oh and you both are really great writers btw! Muahhhh kisses. Love you both.


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    Just a couple of college girls headed to live in Germany for 4 months while student teaching.

    Feel free to check us out on Twitter and Instagram:
    Kelby: @kelbsa 
    Alex: @_zaigs 


    January 2014
    December 2013



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